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Monday, September 22, 2008


Today I took the last two pieces of our home study paperwork to our family doctor, and Dave and I got our fingerprints taken...I think we are done with all of the myriad of little "this's and that's" for the home study paper trail. Yeah! As "we speak" (or "I type"), Dave is at his personal interview with our social worker; mine is on Wednesday morning. Then, our family interview and home visit is scheduled for October 9. Hopefully all of the paperwork that we had to farm out to government agencies, doctors, and friends (for references) will all be returned promptly so that our social worker can get our home study written quickly and efficiently. Of course, once it is completed, that means we need the second half of the home study fee, so begin to pray about that! God is good, and He will provide in His time, just as He did for the first half of the fee. Our excitement is mounting!

Jehovah Jireh...my Provider...His grace is sufficient for me!

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Saturday, September 20, 2008

God Answers Prayer!

Last Sunday, I asked our Sunday School class to pray very specifically for the first $750 needed to pay the first half of our home study fee. We need to pay this fee this coming week when we have our home study interviews. I knew from past experience with the Lord that He would provide just what we needed, when we needed it, and it would come from sources totally unexpected to us, but not to Him. Well, if you glance over at our little ticker on the right, you will see that we are just shy of our goal with a few days left..Praise God! And yes, the sources were totally unexpected and humbling, and we are eternally grateful to those who gave.

Thank you for praying...and giving...our Sophia home!

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Sunday, September 7, 2008

Updated Holiday Fundraiser Info Below!

"Good Fortune" Ornament

9/12/08 Update: You can now order much more than these ornaments and support our adoption efforts at the same time! All items for sale are so unique and would make one-of-a-kind gifts for family and friends. There is jewelry, tableware, art work, and so much more...visit


and check out the links on the top right hand side for two slideshows full of gift ideas! As always, when you order, remember to reference our family so that we get the profit for your purchase. Thanks for supporting us, and other adoptive families, in this way!


Chinese artisans are world renown for their intricate artwork. The ornament shown above is one of several ornaments you can purchase to help us in our quest to adopt from China. These ornaments are painted on the inside, a technique that has been perfected in Chinese handiwork. In addition to "good fortune", you can choose ornaments containing the Chinese characters for "peace", "love", and "double happiness". Click here to check them all out! The way this works is you place an order from the website, and designate "The Fisher Family" as the beneficiary of your order. At the end of the sale, we will receive the profit from all sales where we have been designated, as well as a portion of the proceeds that may not have been specifically designated to any one family. There are many families participating in this fundraiser--you can read all about it on the website. These ornaments would make very unique and beautiful Christmas gifts, but you want to order early, as they do come directly from China and last year we sold out. There are a couple of specials running in September which you can also read about on the website.

Thanks for taking the time to check this out and for helping us on our journey to Sophia in China!

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Monday, September 1, 2008

This Week's To-Do List

Here is my list of things to do this week, relating to our adoption:

1. Get federal fingerprinting and criminal check done.

2. Get money orders and send in other criminal check and child abuse clearances.

3. Fill out financial document for home study.

4. Continue typing recipes for cookbook fundraiser (I need more, by the way!)

5. Investigate other fundraising opportunities so we can get this adoption underway.

I'm glad to finally be busy with the details of our adoption...continue to pray for our needed funds!

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