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Sunday, August 21, 2011

Two Months Home!

This week we celebrated the two months home mark for our precious daughter Sophia.  This photo was taken today as we were leaving for church.  I think her smile says it all!  She is a happy, contented, little girl (most of the time!) and we are just amazed at how well she is adjusting and thriving!

Some of the milestones for this month include:

  • improved chewing and swallowing which means improved eating (she ate mac and cheese and mashed potatoes at Friendly's today!)
  • sleeping all through the night (10 p.m. to 9 a.m. most days!)
  • saying "Mama" and "Dada" consistently and with meaning
  • understanding many things we say to her in English based on her actions after we say something
  • staying with a babysitter for the first time for a few hours so Mommy and Daddy could have a date
  • staying in the church nursery all by herself and loving it!

This next month promises to be interesting as we start school here in PA.  The older two boys will be away for the bulk of the day, and I will be homeschooling my first grader and entertaining two three-year-olds!  We plan on taking advantage of Kindermusik and Moms Morning Out Bible studies and library story hours...you get the idea!  I'm excited to see how Sophia changes and grows in this next month home.  She has definitely brought more joy and laughter into our home...we praise God for her!

Sophia Elizabeth Chia-Lin Fisher...we love you!!

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The Many Faces of Sophia

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