Our referral dossier, and the accompanying orphanage fee, were delivered to our agency today! God provided some additional funds and the peace to use some credit we had available in order to pay the large fee, and we are thankful for that. Now we wait for our dossier to be certified one last time, and then it will be on its way to Taiwan for translation and filing in court. We are probably looking at 4-6 months more of waiting before we travel, although it could always be sooner or later. We now shift our focus to raising the $7000 needed to pay for our travel expenses. A large part of this is round trip airfare for Dave and I, and a one way ticket for Sophia. Additionally, we need money for our hotel stay, food, etc. while in country. Our 13-year old son, Sabastian, has expressed a desire to travel with us. I have told him to pray specifically for that desire, as that would be another $1750-2000 that we would need in order to have him travel with us. It sure would be cool if God grants that desire, but Sabastian knows that the answer may be no. But he continues to pray!
In order to raise these needed funds, we are still selling cookbooks, Chinese Christmas ornaments, and hand-crocheted doilies. In addition to these things, we are hoping to do one more big fundraiser of some sort. We are praying about what that might look like, so stay tuned! Thank you to all of you who have prayed us this far into our journey. I can't wait to be able to post the first photos of our beautiful daughter when we get our final decree from the Taiwanese courts!
Closer than ever to bringing Sophia home!