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Friday, May 7, 2010

Still Waiting

We have been waiting for some updated information on a little girl from Taiwan for two weeks now. It's hard to wait when you know that there is a child who needs a family and you are potentially a candidate for that child, but we need to make sure that we are in God's will and right now that means we need some additional information, if it is available. Continue to pray!

Meanwhile, I have been reminded this week that God has a plan for each of us--a plan that is really a journey. And to fulfill that plan, we will have lots of ups and downs and all arounds that are all part of the journey, leading us to be better prepared for our ultimate destination. When the going gets tough, it is the knowledge that God has that plan, and has put us on the journey, that keeps us moving forward. I am reminded of Joseph and all that he endured as part of God's plan for his life, and to save the lives of his family (truly preserving God's chosen people) and the nation of Egypt. I'm sure he didn't understand what God was doing when bad things seemed to happen when he was doing the right thing, but in the end he told his brothers, "And as for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result..." (Genesis 50:20). What a testimony!

And so, we continue to wait on this part of our journey, resting in the fact that as we have stepped out in faith, God seems to have the adoption of another child in His plan for our lives. When, where, and how that will all happen remains to be seen, but my God is more than able!

Walking to Sophia by faith, and not by sight...

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1 comment:

Faith, Hope, and Love said...

Praying that God will guide you to the daughter He has chosen for your family.

Hugs and blessings,